Previously Gaia was living in Minneapolis where she worked as an actor and an educator. There she collaborated with several theatre companies as an ensemble member on original shows, and she worked on her first solo show It’s Red! thanks to an artistic residency at Open Eye Figure Theatre, which was later developed at the Grotowski Institute in Poland.
She completed her degree at Dell’Arte International School of Physical Theatre in California in 2018, and previously studied in Denmark – Vox Viva, Move´n´Act, and the Danish Folk School RyHøjskole – and in Italy – with the theater company “Tutti in Scena”, directed by Pier Maria Cecchini. More recently (June 2023) she completed a two-year seminar-based movement training program called Danza Sensibile by Claude Coldy.
Gaia believes in building bridges. Her experiences in Italy, Denmark, and the US have taught her that collaborations across cultures and countries are possible, beautiful, and worth pursuing. The theatre she wants to make is imaginative, explorative, genuine, and engaged in a dialogue with the community. She loves telling and listening to stories and believes in cultivating nests of creativity from which new work can take off and fly.